Camp Concordia exists to provide opportunities for children, youth and their families to encounter Christ in the midst of God's creation: Enriching Body and Soul and resulting in strong missional skills and actions.
- Whether singing around the campfire with your Church Group Retreat or leading activities for children and youth attending Summer camp, CC's desire is to engage children, youth and families through active experiences. What does this mean?
- Encountering Jesus Christ is not done by sitting around. Jesus never taught that way himself. He moved and lived among the people. What stands out even when the people did sit and listen to Jesus speak on a hillside is when he took bread and fish to feed the people and they experienced the power of God.
- CC chose long ago to have children, youth and families do this encountering in an outdoor environment. We don't design our programs with the indoors in mind. CC works with retreat group leaders in being creative and using outdoor experiences to grow in relationship with Christ.
- The other choice CC made was to seek to connect people to Jesus Christ holistically - body and soul. These days we would say Spiritually, Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally and Socially. It's all the same. We want to involve the whole person and the entire camp community in engaging with Christ.
- To engage an entire community we will always be busy trying to use sensory methods - experiential education methods - when facilitating groups, retreats and schools.