2013 - Paul Golke announced his departure in 2013. Erik Garchow served as interim camp director.
2014 - April 1 Dr. Craig Oldenburg takes on role as Camp Director. 2015 - Mary Oldenburg takes on part-time Assistant Director position 2017 - Kitchen remodeling took place from 2016-2017. Including tearing out the old wood cabinet and countertops and replacing them with stainless steel. Also adding a dishwasher and a new epoxy floor. 2019 - The new addition to the Maintenance building was mostly completed in 2019 with the exception of some of the metal siding and trim. New dining room floor fall of 2019. Six layers of paint (6 layers of history) were ground off of the dining hall floor and made into polished concrete. |
PROGRAM ADDITIONS since 2014: Adding kayaking, sailing, rope swing (the tripod), speedboat with inner tubing, 40' water slide, updating challenge course and adding high ropes elements - including a 200' zip line. Program Areas Kayak Rack and Sailboat Rack. Shelters for Archery and Rifelry. Slingshot range. Rebuilding "Berry Bridge" across to the north land (north of Coopers Creek) |
2014 Dr. Craig S. Oldenburg becomes Camp Director (later Executive Director) President - Bill Goetsch President - Steve Wilson |